Explanation of the starting point measurements:
to get your own starting point measurements, click here

I provide support in all of these.
My recommendation is that you start with your health, namely your cell hydration. You’ll be surprised to know that once your cell hydration reaches 30%, you’ll be calmer, and a lot smarter.
If and when you manage that, we can talk about other stuff that you can do. Not until then… sorry.
And if you need support, my energy remedies are there, http://energy-remedies.by-sophie.com or you can make them yourself with the infusible audios
- 1. your vibration (1-1000):
Vibration is measured on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale and it measures how far up the Tree of Life you have climbed.One could also say that the level you have reached in awareness, accuracy and effectiveness in seeing and dealing with life and your dreams in all areas of life, measurably in health, wealth, love and happiness. - 2. Your overall intelligence measures the same thing: after all it is your intelligence that you use in all areas: intellectual, body intelligence, financial intelligence, number…, relationship intelligence, and your ability to align yourself with a path and walk it…70 is average. Mine is 100.It’s a weighted average of all intelligences
- 3. Spiritual capacities: we have hardcoded in the DNA all the capacities the species is capable to master, but we use very few. You use the number I have in your measurements. There are 160 capacities, focus, autonomy, foresight, courage, humility, authenticity, etc.I can’t tell you what capacities you have activated, but from emotions I can make guesses what you don’t have active.You need to jump into the pool to learn to swim, jump off the cliff to learn to fly… this is the principle of capacities: they don’t turn on unless they are needed.
- 4. Your soul correction follows some archetypes. Your soul correction contains and suggests the capacities and behaviors that can turn your life around and allow to rise on the evolutionary/vibrational scale.
- 5. Attachments are spiritual and energetic wounds on your energy body where you leak energy. Can come from the outside, or can come from within. I pull the strings or heal the holes… when I am paid to do that.
- 6. The level of your health is on a scale of 1 to 100.It says how effectively your body is working, turning the food you eat into energy, intelligence, and happiness.The main reason, I found, for deteriorating health is eating food that the body can’t recognize as food. And deficiencies is the daily essentials, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.Also, many people deal with allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances, gut microbial imbalances…. In my health consultations I endeavor examining all these, and prescribe a diet and lifestyle that is sustainable and optimal for the person.
- 7. The level of hydration of your cells shows how much of the ideal and original 100% of the workability you are maintaining in your cells.Only water compatible with the cell water is allowed in… coherent water. If you put no coherent water in your body, your cells will eventually dry out… and if some disease doesn’t kill you, cell dehydration will.I have the Water Energizer as a solution. https://yourvib.me/water-energizer I have found that soups, or any water with flavoring, teas, etc. do not hydrate the cells. Why? I don’t know.I have found that diuretics like alcohol, caffeine, etc. dry out the cells faster, regardless of how much coherent water you drink.
- 8. your relationship to feedback and instruction: I connect to you deeply and ask Source to see what is your emotional state when it comes from getting feedback and instruction. This informs me 1. what is the enemy of coaching 2. if it is worth for me to even try to coach you.
- 9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow without the urge and the habit of “fixing” it… dispersing, leaking, it.This is the most revealing of all the measures. If this is high then you can grow, you can learn, you can widen your cone of vision, because you have a bigger tolerance for the discomfort of unknown, of not knowing, of delayed gratification. If it is low… then you are a fixit machine and a cry-baby. Fear dominates your life.You have a lot of getting aware and toughening up to do…This is your TLB score, the Twitchy Little Bastard score aka Marshmallow eater. This is a logarithmic scale… where 2 is 2 times higher than 1, 3 is 2 times higher than 2… etc.The higher your score the better off you are, the hardier, the more resilient you are. And the more you can grow.
- 10.Your vocabulary: this is a percentage… a percentage of the significant words, spiritual words, being words, emotion words you accurately use.Culture uses words for what they don’t mean, in my humble opinion, intentionally, to muddy the waters, to make you unclear.
- 11. How much of you, seeing you, taking things personally, about you are you? The you won’t allow you to see reality, other people. The higher this number is the less you consider other people, and even when you do, event that is about you. About yourself, but not as a person, but as an object that you protect… an object in a world of objects. You consider yourself the ONLY important thing in your life.
- 12. Self-awareness: % The more self-aware you are, accurately, the more you can change when you see that how you are doesn’t work.
- 13. Ambition: % Ambition is the willingness to do work towards a goal. The higher your ambition is compared to your desire, the higher you can go in life
- 14. Desire: % Desire is a fancy, a want, a nagging vision… The most important element of desire is that you are NOT willing to do anything for it, you just want it, and you feel you should have it. The higher this number is, not surprisingly the more dissatisfied you are with how your life is.
- 15. Degree of inauthenticity/pretense self overall: % You have a public persona that you are working on maintaining. The more fake that is, the higher this number is. The real harm to you in this is that you need to be at two places at the same time, so your attention, energies, and power are divided… You can’t put all your power in all action. And the biggest issue is when you believe your own press… People who suddenly go bankrupt, losing everything, or people who bite off more than they can chew… have a high inauthenticity number.
- 16. Level of integrity 1-100, the relationship between you and you: % Integrity, as a word, is being thrown about, but all if it is b.s. You being on time, or keeping your promises is only level one. Your attitude while you do what you do is more important, being true to your standards and ideals is even more important, but the most important part is: you honoring your word as yourself. Without integrity nothing works, not your health, not your life, not anything.
- 17. how enslaved are you to the Tree of Knowledge? (what percentage of your life is run by memes/untruth?) % This is the proportion of ‘knowing’ that covers up experiencing, seeing, hearing reality… The higher this number, the less present you are, the less you consider ‘data’ provided by your senses important. You live in a bubble separated from reality… but reality doesn’t care…
- 18. do you have a bridge between your precious “I” and your actual I? What is your level of delusion % this measure is very important, and connected with #15… your pretense self. But it also tells me to what degree you believe your own press. The more you believe it, the less fundamental work you’ll do on yourself, for yourself, you are building castles in the clouds.
- 19. To what degree you have access to your adult capacities % The wording of the measure is misleading: it really measures to what degree you live in a right/wrong, good/bad binary paradigm. The more you do, the less access you have to your adult capacities… because to be effective in the real world, wrong is disempowering. Literally.
- 20. How teachable/how coachable are you? % How willing, how ready, and how honest you are about following what the coach says, what the teaching says.
- 21. The level of your overall awareness? %
- 23. the percentage of time you spend in the mind: %
- 24. the percentage of input that gets through to you. % The illusion is that when you read something, hear something, you get it all. But the truth is, that very little of that gets through to you. One of the ways it doesn’t, is the mind immediately interprets, explains what it hears and then none of what you heard gets through… only your own explanation. So you are left with what you had…
- 25. How inspired can you become? And what level are you now These are two numbers. Inspirability is an important number to me: it is your capacity to be uplifted or motivated by a higher ideal. The second number is where you are at now.
- 26. To what degree you honor your emotions as reality? % If you consider your emotions as guidance, then you are probably very miserable… Emotions are not good guidance, but you probably can’t even tell emotions from feelings… feelings that actually could guide you. Ultimately your ability and practice of telling fact from fiction.
- 27. What is your cone of vision in percentage of the visible? this tells me whether you can connect the dots… % This tells me if you can see the big picture. If you can see cause and effect, historically. If you can see the powers that move life, events, etc.
- 28. How much control do you have over your attention? % This number can be grown, because attention is like a muscle: can be trained, can be strengthened. If your number is low, your effectiveness in life is probably very low.
- 29. How many predatory genes do you have? Predatory genes are necessary so you can assert your rights, you can take care of your needs, you can stand toe to toe with challengers. But too many is harmful: you will be too forceful, too territorial, too possessive, too everything… and will have little or no energy to enjoy life, to love, to produce.
- 30. Do you have enough energy to do the work? The work is this work of growth I conduct on this site.
- 31. How lucid are you? i.e. how present, how conscious are you? How much of your intelligence is used in life? %
- 32. How many pieces of information can your brain hold at the same time? When that number is low, you cannot see the big picture, you cannot plan, you cannot succeed. Work on it.
- 33. On the flexible-rigid continuum, where are you standing? % rigid
- 34. Your astuteness measure compared to what YOU can be. % Astuteness is the measure of truth value. When that number is low, your level of accuracy with judging things is low, and you make many mistakes, you live in a delusion.
- 35. Where are you on the narcissistic scale? %
- 35. Your curiosity factor %
- 36. Your little sh*t score % Your little sh!t score is the gap between what you produce in the world, and what you could. The higher the number the more room you have for growth.
- 37. Can you let go of self-concern? This is probably the determining measure whether I’ll take you on as a client.
- 38. Do you have a should or shouldn’t racket? This is a question of what motivates you… The carrot or the stick. The stick is a lot more effective on the long term. If you have a shouldn’t racket, you can grow more readily.
- 39. Your motive power (How miserable are you and to what degree you consider it unbearable? % (the higher the number the more motivation [motive power] you have to grow) 30% is the minimum to grow
- 40. Can you plan long range? Most people have pie in the sky desires, but no ability or even attempts to build a path to what they desire… they just expect it to land on their doorstep.
- 41. Are you outcome dependent? % This number tells me how much attention you have on the action and how much on the scoreboard… Outcome dependence results in misery
- 42. How many entitlement genes you have on? we are born with two and they are supposed to turn off by school age.
- 43. Do you have your ‘permission’ gene on or off? there is a gene that says that you are allowed to expand and play big… when I turned it on for people: that was the most amazing experience, really life altering, suddenly being allowed… anything.
- 44. Responsibility gene? this is the cornerstone of a human being: homo sapiens has it turned off. it is being at cause of everything… and viewing the world through that lens.
- 45. what type of backdrop do you live by? the backdrop is tricky: it is where your worldview is… there are two kinds: type 1: it says you are no good. type 2 says: you are the best. both are b.s… but the misery that comes from either is tremendous.
- 46. how much power does your word have? % this is how much integrity you have with your word. How much of what you say will be real in the area of beingness.
- 47. how deep are you? how deep you think, how deep you look. You can be shallow and you can be deep.
- 48. To what degree are you willing to WORK for what you want? %
this measure and your ambition measure tell me if you just want what you want fly to you, of if you are willing to work for it
- 1. your vibration (1-1000):
to book a short strategy session, please contact me with some possible times to talk…Phone, skype, webinar… A strategy session is for you to see what could be the first action to take to get out of the ditch this Starting Point Measurements describes… and to see if we see any way I can help you with that.
For most people the work all starts with raising their cell hydration. When your cell hydration is low, you live in scarcity. Literally. And you want to live in abundance, but with low cell hydration that is not possible.Scarcity is physical… survival mode is physical… and therefor the solution needs to be physical too… My Water Energizer audio, used on water that can be energized (filtered water that has nothing added or taken away) raises your hydration fast. It is not a once done, lasts forever… you have to set your life up to drink some coherent water every day for the effects to last.